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Up Next in Lower Body Workouts
EXPRESS GLUTES | 20 min dumbbell work...
This express workout will sneak up on you and have you begging for mercy. Whoever said you can't an amazing workout in 20 mins was lying - or they simply haven't tried this. Grab your heavier weights and lets get those muscle gains 💪🏼
LAZY GIRL GLUTES | low impact + pilat...
A gentle and pilates inspired glutes workout for all my lazy girls out there looking for a workout to burn the booty and work the muscles with minimal "effort" - it's harder than it looks tho ;)
LOWER BODY | Couples Workout
this 10 min workout is everything I want a workout to be: short, spicy, and straight to the point. Grab your partner (or yourself!) and lets do this 💪🏼