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Full Body Cardio BURN

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NO JUMPING Intense Workout | Fast-Paced Cardio

Cardio + HIIT Workouts • 26m

Up Next in Cardio + HIIT Workouts

  • Full Body Cardio BURN

    This is a sweaty, full body cardio burner. We are doing all kinds of moves in this workout, up, down, and all around! You don't have to do the workout perfectly, you just have to show up!

    Warm-Up: 4 mins
    Workout: 16 mins
    Cool Down / Stretch: 4 mins

    Ability Level: Intermediate

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  • FUN Dance Jumps Cardio for ALL LEVELS

    A FUN cardio workout that incorporates lots of dance jumps (my fave exercise) this can easily be done by any level and is sure to get your heart pumping and make you sweaty! Put on your fave dancing music and lets get jumping!

    Warm-Up: 1 min
    Workout: 16 mins
    Cool Down / Stretch: 4 mins


  • Sweaty Cardio: Circuit Style

    A fun cardio workout where we repeat a 10 minute circuit twice! Circuit workouts are great because once you do the circuit once, it starts to feel easier. Lets get sweaty!

    Warm-Up: 3 mins
    Workout: 22 mins
    Cool Down / Stretch: 6 mins

    Ability Level: Intermediate

    Join the Daily Thrive FACEBOOK GR...