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Watch this video and more on DAILY THRIVE by Vicky Justiz

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Abs + Core Workouts • 40m

Up Next in Abs + Core Workouts

  • TOWEL ABS - Intense Abs Workout

    Here we have got an intense abs workout using just a towel! These exercises will really target & engage your core. Make sure you do the stretch with me, because this abs workout is killer!

    Warm-Up: 3 mins
    Workout: 17 mins
    Cool Down / Stretch: 4 mins

    Ability Level: Advanced

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    Here is a FUN ABS CHALLENGE where we spell out the ABC's with our legs. Can you do the whole alphabet with me?! Lets try it!

    Ability Level: All Levels

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  • Build Core Strength | Focused on FORM

    Here is a GREAT abs and core workout for beginners. This is great if you have trouble activating your core + engaging your abs. Use this workout if you are new to working out or if you need a form refresh! I go in depth for each exercise and how to do it correctly.

    Warm-Up: included in the worko...