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Watch this video and more on DAILY THRIVE by Vicky Justiz

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FLOOR Booty & Leg Burner

Lower Body Workouts • 25m

Up Next in Lower Body Workouts


    A booty & leg workout that is DUMBBELL OPTIONAL! This is a hybrid workout with some dumbbell exercises and some bodyweight, but I also give you alternatives you can do with no equipment. This will sculpt your booty and strengthen your legs.

    Warm-Up: 3 mins
    Workout: 25 mins
    Cool Down / Stretc...

  • INTENSE BOOTY & LEGS | Bodyweight, Ex...

    This is an INTENSE booty & leg workout using JUST your bodyweight. We incorporate lots of high impact, explosive exercise that REALLY work out your muscles to help you get leaner & stronger. I was sore for DAYS after this workout so don't skip the stretch afterwards!

    Warm-Up: 4 mins


    Here is an INTENSE, hour long Booty & Leg workout that can be done at home with dumbbells / any kind of weight you can hold in your hands. This is for advanced levels especially if you use a challenging weight! These exercises are staples in my routine.

    Glute Activation & Warm-Up: 4 mins...