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Watch this video and more on DAILY THRIVE by Vicky Justiz

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Full Body Pilates | Low Impact Workout

LOW IMPACT (no jumping) • 20m

Up Next in LOW IMPACT (no jumping)

  • Abs + Core Strength Workout

    This workout will get your abs poppin' and build strength in your core! The first half of the workout is floor work, a mix of planks, crunches, etc. The second half is a standing abs series that will make the time FLY!

  • DAILY Stretch & Workout for Energy, C...

    A daily, 10 minute stretch & movement workout to wake your body up and get you ready for the best day EVER! Side note: I am so sorry about the audio in this video!! My mic was acting strange. Wish I could travel back to this villa to re-record it for you... didn't want a workout with such a b...


    It's tiiiime for abs and upper body! This workout will have your abs and arms on fiiiiire!! With a 15 mins abs focused circuit, 10 mins plank focused circuit, and 15 mins upper body focused circuit, the time during this workout will fly.