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Watch this video and more on DAILY THRIVE by Vicky Justiz

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LOWER BODY SNACK | 20 min workout with weights

Intermediate • 23m

Up Next in Intermediate

  • HIIt x WEIGHTS Lower Body

    WITH MUSIC. Get ready to SWEAT. Weights to build muscle and HIIT for that sweaty cardio burn. Targets your lower body to build muscle, strength, and endurance. Grab a pair of heavy and medium weight dumbbells for this one.


    A 15 min workout that will fire up your abs and engage your core. Perfect to add to the end of your workouts or as a warmup to start the day.

  • HIIT x PILATES Full Body Workout

    WITH MUSIC. In this HIIT & PILATES sweaty mashup workout, you will feel your heart racing and all your muscles on fire. Alternating between intense HIIT circuits + slow and intentional pilates circuits, this workout has it all.