WITH MUSIC. just in time for the holidays, we have a 20 min spicy pilates routine followers by an 8 minute meditation focused on gratitude and inner peace.
ABS & BACK | for better posture & a s...
A 15 minute abs & back circuit with a 5 minute chest stretch at the end to help improve your posture, core stability, and strength. Gran a pair of lighter dumbbells and let’s get it!
15 MIN waist snatch (with vacuums)
NO MUSIC. snatch your waist in just 15 mins! 3 x 5 min circuits including planks & crunches with vacuums at the end of each one to strengthen your natural corset.
BEGINNER Booty & Legs w/ Weights
WITH MUSIC. getting back into using weights for lower body after a long time off? or if you are simply new to the building muscle journey, this is the perfect workout for you. With an extended warmup to avoid injury, a glute activation to fire up our muscles, and simple exercises that challenge y...