Booty Killer is BACK!!! This Pilates inspired challenge will fire up your glutes and burn soooo good. With no equipment, this is the perfect way to challenge yourself anywhere anytime. Less than 25 mins, so no excuses.
Up Next in 15 - 30 MINUTES
FUNCTIONAL Core Strength Workout
in today's workout we are doing all functional core exercises that help build balance, stability, core strength, and help you cinch your waist. Grab a dumbbell for this routine and let's get it!
This routine targets your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves for a well rounded, short workout to sculpt and strengthen your lower body. Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells (challenge yourself!) and let's get those gains.
UPPER BODY: back to basics
This is the perfect workout for beginners going over all the basics for upper body workouts! we do one set of each exercise really going in-depth so you get the form PERFECTLY.