Think of us as your virtual workout studio that you can take with you anywhere. These workouts are designed to get you moving, to challenge you, and most importantly, to help you find the JOY in movement. And I’ll be here with you every step of the way, guiding you, pushing you, sweating with you.
To thrive isn’t to just wake up one random morning and decide your life will be different. Thriving comes from building up habits, one step at a time. And habits aren’t just “what you do” - they are also how you speak to yourself, how you treat yourself, your thoughts, your priorities, and your mindset.
My goal is to help you find true happiness, and happiness goes beyond your physique or what you look like. It’s also about feeling strong, feeling accomplished, and growing as a person. It’s about finally cultivating the DISCIPLINE to put yourself first. And once you cultivate discipline in one aspect of your life, like fitness, it flows over to all other areas of your life. And thats essentially the reason why I named this Daily Thrive. It doesn’t mean you have to come here and a do a workout daily. It means that thriving is a daily process, and every single day is a new opportunity to take a step closer towards that best version of yourself.
The first mistake you can make when approaching fitness is feeling imprisoned by it. Your mindset going into this will determine your outcome. If you are DREADING your workouts, you’re already going into this with a preconception about how will feel. Stay open-minded and remember that working out is also about gratitude. It is truly a privilege to be able to move our bodies, and to get stronger, and to do so many things that others may not be able to do. So by allowing ourselves to use our bodies to their maximum potential, we are actively practicing gratitude.
Exercise is a celebration of all the things we can do, and all the potential that we hold. No one starts off being able to do every single exercise perfectly, or having perfect stamina. These are things that you BUILD. And having a low starting point is actually such an amazing thing because it just means you have so much more room to grow.
Im not gonna sit here and tell you that it’s a perfect journey. There will be days where you wake up feeling lazy & unmotivated… and that's okay! In moments like these, its important to be kind to yourself. Rest and recovery are absolutely essential towards a healthy lifestyle.
But it’s also important to be honest with yourself. We humans crave the comfort zone. The comfort zone feels lovely, but… LIFE and GROWTH is what happens when you push past that comfort zone. Most of the time, the hardest and most unmotivating part is actually starting a workout. Just getting yourself to BEGIN…. but I have personally never finished a workout and said “wow, I regret that, I wish I wouldn’t have done that”. Sometimes this is the chance for you to push yourself and show yourself what you’ve got.
We created Daily Thrive because we wanted to challenge the notion that fitness has to look a certain way. You don’t need to go to a gym for 2 hours a day, or commit to super strict training program or diets, or follow what all the fitness influencers are doing. In reality, fitness looks different for everyone. We hope to help you and guide you in finding your own favorite way of moving and staying active.
It’s all about finding a form of exercise that you enjoy, that helps you stay consistent, and that makes you feel fulfilled and accomplished. We hope that with Daily Thrive, you will find something that makes you feel GOOD and that you can look forward to every single time.
What you see here, right now, this is just the beginning. There are so many more things in store for the future of Daily Thrive, this baby will grow and evolve, and it will be a journey that we will all be a part of.