Welcome to our first official monthly check-in! I decided to start doing these check-ins, just to have a little chat to set our intentions for the month and to give you any new updates that are happening here on Daily Thrive. This will also be a really helpful video if you're just looking for some direction, some motivation going into the new month to just get inspired and enter the month feeling GREAT.
So first off, who noticed the new festive vibe we've got going on in the apps? If you are on the iOS or the Android platform, you might notice we have a little festive app icon up here. We are also doing our first monthly calendar. There is a monthly calendar PDF just to give you an overview of the month and the workout schedule that we have for the month. You can download it, print it out, keep it on your phone. I will also link it under this video as like a resource.
So on the homepage, the schedules will still be updated weekly. And as you can see, we do have a weekend tab now instead of the usual Saturday and Sunday. I did this cause I just want you guys to have a little bit more freedom of choosing when you're gonna do the workouts, especially on the weekends.
So there's usually gonna be at least two workouts for the weekend. Sometimes there will be three classes, whether it's a workout, yoga, whatever. So you can choose to do one workout a day, one Saturday, one Sunday, or you can choose to do both videos on one day, depending on how much time you have. Also, if there's ever any workouts on the monthly calendar or the weekly schedule that, for example, require weights and you don't have weights or anything you might not be able to do, you can always switch it out with another workout of the same body part. So if there's a booty and leg workout with weights, but you don't have dumbbells, you can always switch it out for a body weight, booty and leg workout, and kind of adjust the schedule as needed.
Now let's talk about setting some goals and intentions and setting our focus for this coming month. I love December. I love the festivities. I love Christmas. If you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, whatever it is, I just love the vibe in December. And this is also a great time to reflect on our year, reflect on all of our memories, our experiences, what we've learned about ourselves and about the world in this past year.
Now, I know when the new year starts, we tend to fall into this craze of productivity and setting intentions and going like a hundred percent, changing our whole lives completely. But when you try to do it all at once, it can become very overwhelming, which is why in December I want you to focus on setting the foundation. This is the time to lay down the roots, so that when January comes around and you're gonna start setting those intentions, you're able to actually do it. We tend to romanticize completely changing our lives all at once. But the truth of the fact is, that our brains are not wired for change. Our brains are literally wired to stay in our comfort zone, and we resist change at all costs.
So if you try to change things too much too fast, you'll find a lot of resistance, and it will be even harder for you to implement those habits and actually sustainably change your life. That's why in December, we're gonna focus on creating little mini habits that will set us up for success when it comes to making those new year resolutions, whether it's waking up an hour earlier every day to get your morning routine in, or drinking more water and just having that water bottle next to your bed and filling it up. Whatever it may be, just focus on creating habits and creating a ROUTINE. If your New Years resolution, for example, is to become a super fit girl, just make a simple commitment to stick to the monthly schedule as much as you can for this month, and to build that consistency.
Don't overthink it. Don't try to make it perfect. Just show up. Try your best. That's all you have to do.
This is also a time to just slow down! Take it all in & enjoy the holidays. Enjoy this time with your family and your friends and your loved ones. Let's say you are 30 years old, and you will (hopefully) live to 80.
You only have 50 Christmases left. You only have 50 Decembers left, 50 Kwanzaas, 50 Hanukkahs, whatever it is that you celebrate. You only have 50 left! When you put it that way....that's not that many Christmases left. So, You don't want to spend this time obsessing over being perfect, beating yourself up, and talking down on yourself because you're not hitting these crazy goals.
So if you just to show up and stay consistent, and set goals that are ACHIEVABLE, You will feel so, so good about yourself. So make the most of it! Enjoy this time and know that you have this amazing, supportive community here at Daily Thrive, that will lift you up and be with you every step of the way. So I hope you have a beautiful December, a beautiful New Year's Eve, I can't wait for us to work out together and make this month amazing.
xoxo, Vicky