WITH MUSIC. Hi Friends!! Another pilates x weights mashup workout. These 3 circuits will have you dyingggg at the end. Grab a pair of dumbbells that will challenge you and let's get this glute growth.
Up Next in Advanced
20 MIN HIIT vol. 2
A true HIIT workout where we really let our heart rate come down in order to trigger EPOC, also known as EXCESS POST-EXERCISE OXYGEN CONSUMPTION. This will help increase your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day.
WITH MUSIC. A full body, 40 minute workout that will fire up every muscle and get your heart PUMPIN'. Burn calories and get stronger with this workout.
WALK FROM HOME + Dance Cardio / NO JU...
One of my favorite workouts I have created for you guys - so much fun, it feels like a dance party together! In this workout we do it to music TOGETHER so get ready to jam out and walk 1 whole mile from home!